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Baseball and Bat

Tournament Rules & Information

The tournament will be governed by Official MLB Rules with the following exceptions: **All teams must bring birth certificates - They will only be checked upon request by SUBASEBALL Staff.  Penalty - If player is not of age and birth certificate cannot be produced, he will be unable to play the remainder of the tournament and that game will be forfeited.  SUBASEBALL Officials may also remove that team from the tournament at their discretion.  Age Divisions will be determined by your age on April 30, 2023.  Player eligibility - No player may play with more than one team in the same age division.  However, a player may play up an age division and play with more than one team. (To be eligible for championship game a player must play in at least 2 pool games; any other situation must be approved by SUBASEBALL Officials). Player can only pitch in one age.


Rosters now must be on hand for each tournament - must include player name - birthdate - grade - player uniform number.  This is in addition to Birth Certificates and report cards if playing by grade.  Coaches - Read all rules before attending - please understand tie breaker rules before playing!

We will now be using pitch counts for 2025.  Please review pitching rules

8U Division

FORMAT: Top 2 Seeded Teams will advance to Championship Game on Saturday.  Seeding for Saturday’s games will be based on the Tiebreaker Rules.

  • Base runner may steal or advance to any base after the ball crosses home plate. Exception: No stealing home on a passed ball. If a Runner leaves early the player will be called out. Runner may only score on a walk - hit batter - or a play that began with a batted ball. Runner may not score on a passed ball or a throw on a attempted steal. The play is over on a batted ball when the pitcher is on the mound with the ball or the umpire has called time out.   

  • Batter is automatically out on a 3rd strike. (No dropped 3rd strike rule will be in effect). • 5 runs per half inning: After 5 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. All runs which score on the play of the 5th run, are recorded. Last inning, due to time or being the 6th inning will still be played even if the trailing team is too far behind to catch up. 5 runs per inning rule will apply in last inning, not unlimited runs. Mercy run rule still applies.

9U Division

FORMAT: Top 2 Seeded Teams will advance to Championship Game on Saturday. Seeding for Saturday's games will be based on the Tiebreaker Rules.

  • Lead Offs are allowed • Batter is automatically out on a 3rd strike. (No dropped 3rd strike rule will be in effect).

  • 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. All runs which score on the play of the 8th run, are recorded. Last inning, due to time or being the 6th inning will still be played even if the trailing team is too far behind to catch up. 8 runs per inning rule will apply in last inning, not unlimited runs. Mercy run rule still applies.


10U Division

FORMAT: Top 2 Seeded Teams will advance to Championship Game on Saturday. Seeding for Saturday's games will be based on the Tiebreaker Rules.

  • Lead offs for 10U division.

  • Dropped third strike rule applies.

  • 8 runs per half inning: After 8 runs score, teams exchange offense and defense. All runs which score on the play of the 8th run, are recorded. Last inning, due to time or being the 6th inning will still be played even if the trailing team is too far behind to catch up. 8 runs per inning rule will apply in last inning, not unlimited runs. Mercy run rule still applies.


11U - 18U Division

FORMAT: Top 2 Seeded Teams will advance to Championship Game on Saturday. Seeding for Saturday's games will be based on the Tiebreaker Rules.


No Umpire abuse - Maintaining a zero-tolerance stance on umpire abuse and holding teams accountable for their parents and fans' behavior helps ensure a respectful and positive atmosphere. The authority to ask fans to relocate or leave the fields reinforce the commitment to fair play and sportsmanship. 

1. Home team will be determined by coin flip in pool play games.  Highest seed will be given the option to be home or away for playoff and       Championship games.

2. All Games in Divisions 13u, 14u, 16u and 18u will be 7 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 40 minutes. 8u, 9u, 10u, 11u and 12u Divisions will be 6 innings or no new inning after 1 hour and 40 minutes.  In the event time is expired and the game is tied, the game will end in a tie. No tie breaker innings will be played. If time is not expired use the International Tie Breaker rule to break the tie.  2 Hour time limit for all Championship games. No new inning after 2 hours.   *All games are to be played to full time.  No one is allowed to shorten a game outside of SU officials.  Make sure both sides record start times. Time goes off Plate umpires clock.  

3. 9 run rule after 5 innings. 10 run rule after 4 innings. 15 run rule after 3 innings.

4. 4 innings or 1 Hour constitutes a complete game when delayed or called because of inclement weather.

5. Batting Order Re-entry Rule: Starters may only re-enter one time and in the same spot in the batting order.

6. Batting Order: There is no limit to the number of players you have in the batting lineup. A team must bat a minimum of 9 players.

7. Unlimited Defensive substitutions. Your defensive lineup is non-related to your batting order. A player may play defensively even if they are not in the batting lineup.

8. No Restrictions on Cleats. Bats Must be 1.15 BPF Stamped. USA bats are allowed  Pitchers are not allowed to wear metal cleats on the portable mounds.   14u and up are required to use BBCOR bats.

9. Speed-up rule/courtesy runners will be allowed for the pitcher or catcher at any time. The courtesy runner will be someone not currently in the game or if the team has no players on the bench, the last batted out.  A courtesy runner may only run one time per inning; substitute player can only run for pitcher position or catcher position, not both. You can run for both pitcher and catcher in a inning but can not use same speed up runner for both.

10. The official score will be the umpire card.  Make sure the score is correct every 1/2 inning.  Once the card is turned in its official. 

11. Protests will not be allowed on judgment calls. Protests must be handled at the time of protest - Umpire can confer with SUBASEBALL Official for help on ruling. If both teams leave the field without contacting SU official the game is complete. 

12. We will enforce an attempt to avoid contact at all bases. Malicious contact-runner will be ejected. It is the discretion of the umpire if the runner is trying to avoid contact or a collision.  This is a judgement call by Umpire.  Not open to discussion or protest - Umpire Judgement.

13. A avoid contact or obstruction rule will be in effect when an infielder is attempting to turn a double-play at any base.  If the runner is not close enough to merit a slide, he must peel away from the baseline. The runner will be called out only if by his not sliding or not peeling away affects the defensive play.  Runner may also be called out or ejected for a malicious contact into any base.  This a judgement call by Umpire. 

14. Eliminate defensive huddles prior to your team taking the field in between innings.

15. Only two coaches outside of dugout during games (does not include base coaches).

16. Please have a Catcher available to warm up your Pitcher between innings when your Catcher is not ready. Keep games on time. 

17. Pitchers - Maximum of 6 warm-up pitches between innings.

18. No infield before games. Get teams in the dugout and have your teams ready to play before game time.

19. Live Balk Rule - if a pitcher balks and throws the ball the offensive team makes the choice to determine the outcome of the play.

20. With runners on 1st and 3rd, pitcher will not be allowed to fake a throw to 3rd base. (balk)

21. End of game – Remove garbage from dugout and clear dugout in a timely manner. Hold post game discussions outside of the field.

22. Show respect to the umpires, your players, your opponents and most of all to this great game.

23. Any excessive unsportsmanlike conduct by players, coaches, or fans may result in removal from game, possible forfeiture of game plus possible ban from future tournaments.   

24. The batting team is responsible for foul balls - there is not a unlimited supply of balls.   Teams keeping excessive amount of HR balls must put new balls into play.

25. A intentional forfeit removes your team from Championship consideration

26. Any team found to have a illegal player will forfeit all games player played in. 

27. Please do not let players dig holes in outfield grass.

28. Have a FUN Tournament!!!


Coaches - you are responsible for your Fans conduct. 

Don't be the coach teams hate to play!    

Pitching Rules

1.   8u - 10u  75 pitches per tournament

    11u - 12u  85 pitches per tournament

    13u - 14u  95 pitches per tournament

    16u - 18u  105 pitches per tournament

2. Pitches are per tournament.  Pitcher may complete an at bat if limit expires during an at bat.

3. Teams are encouraged to keep a pitch log.  Game Changer and score cards will be used to determine pitch counts

4. No pitcher may return to pitching position after being removed from pitching position.

5. Each team will be responsible for signing game card after the game.  

6. If a coach has a question about the opposing team's pitching log he may bring it to SU Baseball officials attention. It is teams responsibility to prove a player has stayed within limits.  This is a safety issue and should not be that hard to follow.

7. If SUBASEBALL determines that the pitcher in question is ineligible to pitch, the pitcher will be removed from the mound at the time of discovery. This is not a retroactive rule - The pitcher will be removed after discovery.  Take care of your players arms!

8. No pitcher may pitch in multiple age groups.  

9. A pitching change becomes official when a pitcher throws the first live pitch.  The pitcher must pitch to at least one batter at that point.



1. Best Record (Wins count as 2 points, ties are 1 point, and losses are 0 points).  If there is a tie between teams for best record (total points scored), then the next tie breakers are used until a winner is determined.

2. Head to Head (tied teams)Does not apply if all tied teams have not played each other or have at least one win and one loss against all other tied teams. Exception: One team has beaten or lost to ALL tied teams. Head to head will apply to that team only. The remaining tied teams will continue to the next tie breaker.

3. Plus/Minus Run Differential to a maximum of plus or minus 7 runs per game.

4. Fewest runs allowed to Common Opponents. A "Common Opponent" is defined as: A team or teams that all tied teams have played. If the tied teams have a common opponent - the runs will be totaled of only the Common Opponents. Keep in mind; you cannot play yourself, so runs that other teams allowed to your team or that you allowed to their team are not considered.

5. Fewest runs allowed to All Opponents.

6. Coin Flip or mini-playoff game per the discretion of SUBASEBALL.


Age Divisions - 2025 Season

Age Cutoff Date: May 1

  • 8u – Must be 8 or younger on May 1, - 2nd Grade

  • 9u – Must be 9 or younger on May 1,  - 3rd Grade

  • 10u - Must be 10 or younger on May 1, - 4th Grade

  • 11u - Must be 11 or younger on May 1, - 5th Grade

  • 12u - Must be 12 or younger on May 1, - 6th Grade

  • 13u - Must be 13 or younger on May 1, - 7th Grade

  • 14u – Must be 14 or younger on May 1,  - 8th Grade

Refund/Cancellation Policies
     **No refunds on deposits **
  • Refund/Cancellation Policy -100% refund minus deposit - Cancellation 14 or more days prior to Tournament.  75% refund - Cancellation 7 or more days prior to Tournament No refund - Cancellation less than 7 days prior to Tournament

  • Weather/Rainout Refund Policy  -80% refund if no games are played.  60% refund if 1 game is completed.  No refund if 2 or more games are completed.


Field Dimensions and Special Rules
8u - No lead offs - No drop 3rd - No stealing home - Mound 46' - Bases 60'
9u - Lead offs - No drop 3rd - Mound 46' - Bases 65'  * some fields may only play 60'
10u - Lead Offs - Caught 3rd in effect - 46' Mound - 65' Bases * some fields may only play 60'
11u Lead Offs - Caught 3rd in effect - 50' Mound - 70' Bases *some mounds may only be 48'
12u - Mound 50' Bases 70' *some mounds may only be 46-48'
13u - Mound 54' Bases 80'
14u - Mound 60'6" - Bases 90' - BBCOR Bats or Drop 3 Wood 
16u-18u  BBCOR Bats or Drop 3 Wood 


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